- Introduction
- A possible qu. SL on 2D triangulat lattice:
* kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2 Cu2(CN)3 (ET)
* EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2
- Conclusions
Exotic spin states have been proposed in the past: liquid, ice, chiral...
Quantum spin liquid (QSL) is a state that does not break any simple symmetry (lattice or spin-roationslal).
QSL - proposed in 1973 by PW.Anderson (strong qu. fluctuations deny LRO even at T=0)
1D: QSL is firmly established (S=1.2, e=0)
2D: classical - kagome
quantum: fluctuations lift the degeneracy of the ground state, so that QSL may disappear
Exp-tal candidates:
- triangular lattice of 3-He atoms
- BEDT salts (triangular lattice)
- kagome lattice: ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2
2D triangular lattice
Possible ground states:
- three sublattice Neel state (120 degree state)
- Valence bond solid (VBS) : breaks lattice symmetry, LRO of singlets
- RVB: resonating configuration of spin singlets. See Fazekas and Anderson, Philos. Mag. 30, 423 (1974)
Key questions:
- How can we identify a QSL in the experiments?
- What is the elem excitation of QSL in 2D triang. lattice?
- Does a QSL host exotic excitations? (gapped or gapless, magnetic or non-magnetic? localized or itinerant)
A powerful probe: Thermal conductivity.
- kappa = kappa_spin + kappa_phonon
- kappa_spin = C*v*l = specific heat * velocity of excitations * mean-free-path
E.g. - Sr2CuO3 (1D Heisenberg). kappa/T goes to 0 as T goes to 0 (gapped SL).
Signatures measurable in experiment:
- If gapless SL: kappa/T would have finite value at T=0; otherwise the value is 0.
- Field dependence of k_spin talls you if excitations are magnetic
- localized or itinerant? - from the magnitude of the mean free path
Example 1: kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3:
2D triangular lattice of BEDT-TTF molecules (with S=1/2 per two molecules), seperated by the layers of anions, like Cu2(CN)3.
Experimental observations:
- NMR: no internal magn. field
- \chi(T): J ~ 250K from high-T expansion of susceptibility
- mu-SR: no spin rotation, i.e. no magnetic order down to 20mK (~J/10^5)
- specific heat: Cv/T non-zero, i.e. gapless. subtrating Schottky anomaly (in other BEDT salts, it shows a gap)
- thermal conductivity: gapped by \Delta ~ 0.5K
- muSR: relaxation curve below 300mK, indication microscopic separation between gapped and (magnetic) gapless regions - see T.Goto et al.
- NMR 1/T1 shows stretched exponential with \alpha less than 0.5
- thermal expansion: lattice anomaly at ~6K (Manna et al., PRL'2010) - is it a structural transition involving charge degrees of freedom?
- frequency-dependent dielectric constant
Example 2: Recently found material: EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2
Nearly triangular lattice of EtMe3Sb units (S=1/2 per two neighbouring units). t'/t~ 0.93 (close to triangular lattice).
As a function of t'/t, different compounds in this family show a variety of phases, including AFM, charge insulator, QSL.
Experiments (Yamashita et al, Science'2010, and others):
- magnetic susceptibility measured down to 5K (and disappears below, meaning there is a spin-gap to excitation - see a Comment to this post below)
- magnetic torque down to T=0.3K
- no LRO down to T=0.3K (from 13C NMR)
- ZF mu-SR: no magnetic order down to ~J/10^5. See Ishi et al. Itou et al, Nat. Phys. (2010)
- no change in zero-field vs. field cooled (answer to the question from the audience)
- NMR 1/T1 shows stretched exponential with alpha that changes between 0.5 and 1 with a minimum at ~1K: sign of inhomogeneity
- specific heat after Schottky subtraction: - gapless in EtMe3Sb (dmit-131) with finite C/T at T=0 (as opposed to non-magnetic Et2Me2Sb (dmit-221) with only phonon contribution C~T^3)
- thermal conductivity: gapless, since kappa/T=0.19 W/K^2m shows finite value in dmit-131 (i.e. gapless) as opposed to zero value in the spin-singlet analogue dmit-221.
- excitations are itinerant: mean free path estimates ~1.2 micro-meter (~10^3 larger than interspin distance)
A: irrelevant, since phonon mean-free path is comparable to the sample size at these low temperatures.
Question from P. Coleman: could you dope the sample with impurities to see how \kappa/T changes?
A: We know that the mean free path of the excitations is very long, much longer than the distance between the spins. Hence, we do not expect any scattering off impurities.
Note: QSL apparently conducts heat very well - like brass of a 5-yen coin (LOL :-)
Field-dependence of elementary excitations:
H larger 1K: linear increase in kappa_spin
H smaller 1K: spin-gap like behaviour (H_gap ~ 2 T) Interpreted as coexistence of non-magnetic gapless excitations and spin-gap like excitations that couple to magnetic field.
C.f. R.Singh and D.Huse (2007): S=1/2 on kagome lattice showing gapped excitations
Wilson ratio R~1.2 - similar to metals (!)
Is there symmetry breaking in the QSL?
NMR shows a peak in 1/(T1T) around T~1K suggesting a phase transition (to what ?)
Theories on QSL
- Hubbard model on triangular lattice for intermediate U strength.
- Heisenbeg model suggest QSL for J'/J between 0.6 and 0.8.
- ring exchange theory: suggests QSL (Misguich et al), but excitations are gapped
- O. Motrunich (2003), S. Lee and P.A. Lee (2005), Lee, Lee and Senthil (2007) suggest a spinon Fermi surface, however that would predict a large Hall angle kappa_xy/kappa_xx, which the exp-t does not see.
- algebraic spin liquid: Wen PRB (2002)
- gapless boson
- kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2 Cu2(CN)3 (ET)
- controversial gap vs. gapless spin excitations
- problems with homogeneity
- EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2
- a homogeneous system
- specific heat and \kappa/T shows unambiguous(?) gapless excitations
- very long mean free path - itinerant spin excitations
- dual nature of spin excitations (gapless at H=0, and gapped when field is applied)
- Wilson ratio ~ 1.2 (like in metals)
- Symmetry breaking in QSL?
Q:Chubukov: Anyone did dHvA?
A: we plan it in near future
Q: S-W. Cheong. Your story is based on T below 0.3K which is not too far from the phonon peak. Are you sure of your power-law fitting?
A: Yes, we are sure.
Q: P. Coleman. kappa/T shows a peak at ~0.6K - where does it come from?
A: This is a low-lying phonon peak.
Q. Silke Paschen: Can you exclude the possibility of coupling to phonons?
A: these are very itinerant excitations
Q: Keimer: Some spin chain systems also have long m.f.p., is it therefore so unusual to see long m.f.p. in this triangular-lattice system?
A: Experimentally, you're quite right. However there are still debates on this subject.
An important fact that emerged out of discussion between the speaker and Piers Coleman: the susceptibility measurements shows \chi=0 below T~2K, meaning that the spinful excitation are gapped, and the only low-lying excitations are SPINLESS. This agrees with the speaker's interpretation of the field-dependence of thermal conductivity, possibly indicating that there are two components to the excitations.